Even though osteopaths are licensed to practice normal western medicine in many countries including USA, most European nations, Canada and Australia. Osteopaths have the basic philosophy of hands on therapy but reject and do not utilize HVLA (High Velocity Low Amplitude) thrust adjustment method utilized by the Chiropractic profession due to the inherent danger of damaging the vertebral arteries which has been the cause of strokes in multiple cases worldwide. Along with rejection of the “Subluxation theory”.
Naprapathy looks at pain and disability from the neuro-musculoskeletal system. Therefore Naprapaths treat each patient from his or her individual capability in the purpose of restoring balance and function to the neuro-musculoskeletal system in order to obtain an optimal healing process. The effect of Naprapathic manual treatment has recently been evaluated in a large RCT, showing that Naprapathy is an effective treatment for non-specific back and neck pain (Skillgate et al Clinical J of Pain, 2007, 23, 431-9).
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